Ardam Patents 
SMART- ACS is a registered trademark of Ardam by Turkish patent institute.
General Provisions.
Establishment and Objective .
Establishment and Objective.
1 – Turkish Patent Institute has hereby been established, as an independent legal entity with a special budget being attached to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to be liable under special judiciary provisions for matters not provisioned by this Decree-Law, with the objective of supporting the technological development in Turkey and of establishing and protecting of industrial property rights as well as providing the public with the worldwide information on industrial property rights, thereby supporting the cultivation of a competitive environment and the development of research & development activities.
The Turkish Patent Institute established as a public institution shall have ”TPE” as its initials.
The headquarters of the TPE shall be in Ankara.
Article 2 – For the purposes of this Decree-Law the following when cited in the text shall mean as:
a) Institute: The Turkish Patent Institute.
b) Managing Board: Managing Board of the Turkish Patent Institute.
c) Advisory Board: Advisory Board of the Turkish Patent Institute.
d) Presidency: Presidency of the Turkish Patent Institute.
e) Ministry: Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Functions and Organisation.
Article 3 – Institute, with the objective of giving support to the technological and industrial development of the country..a) implement services for the registration of industrial property rights provisioned by the Patent and the Trademark Laws and other related Acts and undertake related activities for the protection of such rights
b) act as the mediator in the cases of compulsory licensing and act as technical advisors at the courts,
c) enter into the related registers the transfer and licensing agreements,
d) keep watch on the usage of inventions, and store and disseminate information on new technologies and technology transfers,
e) establish co-operation with international organisations and other foreign organisations which are active in the same area of interest,
f) represent Turkey at the international organisations as approved by the Ministry,
g) contribute to the preparation of the international agreements on industrial property rights within the perspective of the country’s needs and interests, and implement these agreements in Turkey.
h) undertake co-operation with international organisations which are pursuing technology and research & development activities, and create documentation centres and supply information to the public.
i) publish material on industrial property rights and a periodical with the name of Turkish Industrial Property Gazette,
j) undertake necessary studies and action to inform the public on the developments in industrial property matters,
k) undertake other functions as delegated by the laws.
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Ardam Patents
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