Business scope of Ardam Global Express are as follows;
- Import and Export; Ardam Global Express is active in sourcing various types of goods, including raw
materials,Fast moving consuming goods , machinery and parts, and a wide range of consumer goods. There are three main types of sourcing activities: (1) sourcing goods produced in Turkey; (2) sourcing goods from around the region for re-exports; and (3) sourcing goods from one country to be shipped directly to a third country without touching Turkey ground.
- Cargo Transport; Cargo Transport service is
one of the most important works within the scope of logistics management at Ardam Global Express . The purpose of management of logistics process is to render the products to be available with economic costs in the desired time and place.
- Contract Manufacturing; at Ardam Global Express is an outsourcing of certain production activities that were previously perform by the manufacturer to a third-party. A company may outsource the manufacture of certain components for the product or outsource the assembly of the product.
- Marketing Consultancy; Ardam Global Express is an Ankara -based consulting service company and from the longest standing consultancy of its type in Turkey. Our services range from market research to company formations and business services, giving our clients the option of having a single local service partner in Turkey. Over the recent years, we have undertaken more many projects in different practice areas.
- Representatives; A manufacturers’ representatives (rep), also known as independent sales representatives or sales agent, is an individual, sales agency or company that sells a manufacturer’s products to wholesale and retail customers.
We will be happy to assist all for all their needs from Turkey
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